Legal notices


Website Editor :

LES GRANDS CHAIS DE FRANCE, a simplified joint stock company, with a share capital of 26.150.000 euros, whose registered office is located 1 rue de la Division Leclerc – 67290 PETERSBACH, FRANCE, registered in the SAVERNE Trade and Companies Register under number 315 999 201.

VAT number: FR28 315 999 201

Contact form available under the link “CONTACT

Phone number: +33 (0)3 88 71 79 79

Director of the publication: Mrs Anne-Laure HELFRICH

Website host :

The Website is hosted in France by ECRITEL, a one-person simplified joint stock company, with a share capital of 2.325.000 euros, whose registered office is located 5 rue Doaren Molac – 56610 ARRADON, FRANCE, registered in the VANNES Trade and Companies Register under number 332 484 021.


Phone number: +33 (0)1 40 61 20 00

Creation and design of the Website :

The creator and designer of the Website is INFRA, a simplified joint stock company, with a share capital of 48.000 euros whose registered office is located 2 rue du Nord – 67800 BISCHHEIM, FRANCE, registered in the STRASBOURG Trade and Companies Register under number 314 583 543.


Phone number: +33 (0)3 88 19 18 70

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